Our Philosophy
Schrock Financial was founded in 2007 with the intention of creating a welcoming, comfortable environment where financial goals and concerns can be discussed around a table. We focus on working with people as they use money as a tool to help themselves, their families, and organizations they care about, both now and in the future. While life can be complicated, with many options to choose from, at Schrock Financial, we have found that the best solutions are usually the simplest ones. Our goal is to work with you to identify strategies that are not only correct from a financial standpoint, but also feel right at an intuitive level. In other words, both your head and your heart need to be in agreement.
You may have heard that money can’t buy happiness. However, it is difficult to live the best version of yourself if you’re unable to find peace in your financial situation. We recognize that our perspectives shape our responses as we journey through this life and we enjoy learning from your perspectives and sharing our own as well. Learning and striving for improvement are an on-going process and the financial ideas and concepts we share with you are the culmination of this accumulated knowledge.
At Schrock Financial, we believe in equality and mutual respect. There is no judgment of the financial decisions you have or have not made in the past. We all would do certain things differently and make different choices but we do the best we can with the knowledge and understanding we have at the time. We try to find peace and build harmony in our lives and, ideally, we learn that kindness and compassion are not merely words or ideas. These are themes that guide our thoughts and actions and are the reason for our company’s existence.
We thank you for taking the time to read our mission statement and we are truly grateful to our clients for the confidence they place in us to help them with their finances.